The Hub City Softball League holds a fundraiser every year called the Hub City Home Run Derby. The money raised benefits a local active military member and their unit, or a disabled military member. Its an all day event held at Municipal Stadium in Hagerstown, and consists of three softball games - a mens game, a legends game (men over 40) and a co-ed game. Players come from far and wide (including a few women from the US Olympics softball team), and pay to play on a team. After the team games there is a home run derby where any player can pay to enter and compete for the most home runs hit. Money is raised by the players entry fees for the games and the derby, donations collected at the entrance the day of the event, and sponsorship from local businesses.
This year, Cpl. Amber Potter, daughter of club members Keith and Lynnette Potter, was chosen as the recipient. Proceeds are being used to send much needed and wanted care packages to her unit which is currently deployed in the Middle East. The packages contain items such as shower products, snacks, coffee, creamers, Gatorade powders, personal care items, etc. Catoctin Fish and Game Protective Association agreed to be a sponsor this year and made a gracious donation of $200.
Thanks to Amber and the other members of her squadron for their service.